Monday, October 19, 2009

Against the Wind

"Against the Wind" is a song by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band from the 1980 album Against the Wind. Glenn Frey of the Eagles sang background vocals on this song. Bob Seger said that "Against the Wind" came about from his days as a high school cross-country runner.
I also ran cross-country in high school. Well, at least I was on the team (smirk). Now not only do I feel like I am against the wind but I am fighting a huge uphill battle. Yet I know this is only temporary. I like going to the Y, I just did not prioritize it and it stopped being fun. Exercise should be fun.
So today I made it to the Y… got on the treadmill and walked all over some old memories. Heh heh… talk about behavior modification; now that was fun!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


"Y.M.C.A." is a 1978 song by the Village People which became a hit in January 1979. The song reached #2 on the U.S. charts in early 1979 and reached No.1 in the UK around the same time, becoming the group's biggest hit ever. It also became (and continues) as a popular dance in which the arms are used to spell out the four letters of the song's title. It is frequently played during breaks in the action at sporting events with crowds using the dance as an opportunity to stretch. Just what my behavioral modification plan calls me to do, stretch and move my muscles.
One way for me to get the full effect of exercise in relation to fat loss is to work my larger muscle groups. So that means workouts using my legs and arms which will burn more calories while I am exercising and when I am not exercising.
I think I have the right idea to maximum fat burning.
Two months ago I stopped going to the YMCA. What a mistake. We used to have a family membership so going presented some internal emotional conflict. I think I will get on the treadmill, set it at 1.5% up hill and walk all over that emotion.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Roller Coaster of Love

"Love Rollercoaster" is a song by The Ohio Players. The song was a hit upon its initial release, reaching the top of both the R&B and pop charts. The song uses the roller coaster, a common theme park attraction, as a metaphor for the ups and downs of dating and romantic relationships.” I am not surprised that one year after my divorce that my rollercoaster of emotions has left me on a rollercoaster ride of weight change. It is time to stop climbing and head down hill and eventually get off this ride.

My background in psychology tells me that although what I have experienced is more commonly expressed in women, it is a human reaction. Let me summarize my weight versus my emotions in this manner: encountering unexpected internal conflict can prevent weight loss. Losing weight is just as much about emotions as it is about diet and exercise. Without being aware, I had turned to food to bury my emotions. It was my way of avoiding the negative feelings. Only within the last two months, and with the help of my Life Group ( was I willing to experience the emotions and diffuse them. Once I was honest with myself I became ready to move forward without using food for comfort.

For many of us guys (and perhaps even more for us Black guys) we need to learn to face problems head-on instead of internalizing.

So this blog is my facing things head on. It is my own behavior therapy.