Sunday, July 25, 2010


In 1961, a bit before my 1st birthday Ray Charles sung a Percy Mayfield penned song that hit number one for two weeks. "Hit the Road Jack" was also number one on the R&B Sides chart for five weeks. The song spoke about the break up of a relationship over (the lack of) money. Relationships that are formed around money are destroyed over money. But if they are formed over shared experiences like the ones I am looking towards… even if the money is gone, the relationship can stand.

This portion is patterned after James T. Kirk who would say “Captain’s log supplemental”. SFBG’s blog supplemental - I have been hearing conversation regarding a game called Bunco (Bunko). Even a popular Christian radio station mentioned that their staff would be going to a Bunco game.

Seems to be very popular among Christian women although some men do play. Sounds like a great reason to socialize and build shared experiences. I think it is worth investigating. This may prove to be another kick in my swim to the surface.

Hmmm, were those wine glasses in the video? (smile)

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