Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Close to You

"(They Long to Be) Close to You" is a popular song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. It was first recorded by Richard Chamberlain and released as a single in 1963 as "They Long to Be Close to You," without parentheses. It was not until seven years later when this song finally spouted and grew. In 1970, it was released by Karen and Richard Carpenter as, (They Long to Be) Close to You. It became their breakthrough hit. The song stayed at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for four weeks.

We never know when a seed that we have planted will spring to life. Today I had coffee with one of my former (and first) students. I first met Rachael at 14. She was a freshman in high school. When she was a junior, I selected her to be the captain of our school’s volleyball team. Her senior year, my son chose her to be the assistant coach of the school’s soccer team.

Today, at 19, she started college. We agreed to meet for coffee. As we talked, I saw the first green shoots of her life coming out of the grounded state she has lived since High School graduation. Her dream is to become a forensic biologist. I believe she will.

Rachael represents the reason why I teach. I believe in and love dearly every one of my students.

Two other little known facts: First, “(They Long to Be) Close to You” is Homer and Marge's love song on The Simpsons. Second, Rachael is the only student I have given a math final that “Aced” the entire first page and then missed every question on the second page. Duh! (Thank-you Homer Simpson)